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Q: I am trying to Labeljoy for the first time, but when I unlock the app it is asking me for a login. A: You are not logged in to Labeljoy. To start training your dog, you will need to sign up for an account with Labeljoy by following these instructions. Hi there! Name's Shin, and I'm here today to help you unlock all of your potential in one day! This guide outlines my personal experience with trying out this great app that helps teach people how to do things like train their dogs using positive reinforcement. Just getting started? Here's what you'll need: 1. An iOS device (iPhone/iPad) with the latest version of iOS installed. This means that you may not be able to use this app on your iPod touch or older iPad models. 2. A leash and some sort of reward treats at the very least, although this app does cost money, if you're looking for a trainer, I would recommend talking with your vet and seeing if there are any things that they could recommend that they think would help you and your dog. If not, then check out Labeljoy and see what new tricks it has in store! 3. The app itself, and the companion app which you can download from the App Store. 4. Some sort of device to play music, such as a portable speaker or an MP3 player. 5. Patience! It may take a while for you and your dog to get the hang of things, so enjoy the process as much as possible! If you're worried that taking this much time may be a distraction, then maybe try to set aside some time for this project every day instead of trying to do it all at once. 6. An internet connection to download the companion app, and if you'd like to use this app on more than one device, then you'll want to buy the pro version of the app. Check out the app store for more details! 7. Some sort of physical space where you can train your dog, although I will say that this is not necessary as many dogs will learn how to respond with verbal commands alone. A good place for this would be inside your house, although I recommend taking your dog out on a leash first so that they don't run off or disappear into something dangerous. 8. A dog! If you don't have a dog at home, then either borrow someone else's dog, or maybe check out your local shelter or pet store to see if they can provide you with an information sheet on how to train them properly. 9. And finally... Some good old-fashioned determination! All of the hard work aside, I promise it will pay off in the end when your dog finally learns how to do all of the fetch commands that you've been unable to teach them all alone. eccc085e13